Fast and Friendly Small Engine Repair, Sales, and Service
Thompson Small Engine Repair sells, services, and repairs lawnmowers, tillers, blowers, weedeaters, and other lawn and garden equipment in Bladen, Columbus, and other surrounding NC counties.
We have Air Gas Welding Supplies!
We can Fill your Propane Tanks!
We have stand-by generators that we install and service.
Mower Sales - Ferris
We have blades, trimmer line, and belts for your mowers!
Special Financing - Just in Time for the Lawn Care Season
Need lawn equipment now but short on cash - come see out financing specials which make getting the lawn and garden equipment you need now - easy!
Current Promotions: See the Promotions Page for Specifics
- Special financing
- Low Down Payment
Thompson Small Engine Repair is a proud supporter of the Kiwanis of Elizabethtown.